Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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Press Releases

February 05, 2003  
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ranking Democratic Member Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) today announced the Committee’s subcommittee assignments. The rosters are as follows:

Financial Management, the Budget, and International Security (FMBIS)

Peter G. Fitzgerald, Chairman
Daniel K. Akaka, Ranking Minority Member

Ted Stevens Carl Levin
George V. Voinovich Thomas R. Carper
Arlen Specter Mark Dayton
Robert F. Bennett Frank Lautenberg
John E. Sununu Mark Pryor
Richard C. Shelby

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Norm Coleman, Chairman
Carl Levin, Ranking Minority Member

Ted Stevens Daniel K. Akaka
George V. Voinovich Richard J. Durbin
Arlen Specter Thomas R. Carper
Robert F. Bennett Mark Dayton
Peter G. Fitzgerald Frank Lautenberg
John E. Sununu Mark Pryor
Richard C. Shelby

Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia (OGM)

George V. Voinovich, Chairman
Richard J. Durbin, Ranking Minority Member

Ted Stevens Daniel K. Akaka
Norm Coleman Thomas R. Carper
Robert F. Bennett Frank Lautenberg
Peter G. Fitzgerald Mark Pryor
John E. Sununu

Senator Collins and Senator Lieberman serve ex officio on all Subcommittees.
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February 2003 Press Releases
January   March   --   2002   2004  
February 28 - Lieberman Notes Homeland Security Shortcomings as Agencies Merge into New Department

February 27 - Lieberman Lambastes Administration's Failure to Lead on Homeland Security/First Responder Funding

February 25 - Lieberman Awarded for Emergency Management Efforts

February 25 - Collins and Lieberman Call for Independent Investigation of Sexual Assault Allegations at Air Force Academy

February 24 - Lieberman Seeks Review of Oil Markets as Gas Prices Spike,
Needed Protection Against Price Gouging

February 14 - Lieberman Wants Details on TTIC

February 14 - Lieberman Challenges Homeland Security Status Quo,
Identifies Three Areas of Urgent Unmet Need, Solutions,
Calls for $16 Billion Increase in Investment

February 11 - Lieberman Honored as Champion of Information Technology

February 7 - Lieberman Praises SEC Decision on Enron

February 6 - Public Safety Officials Must Have 21st Century Communications

February 5 current Press Release

February 3 - Lieberman Says Bush Budget "Should Be Written In Red Ink"

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510