Archive for May, 2008


Thursday, May 29th, 2008

Gas in Texas has reached the $3.70 mark and is expected to continue to rise. For years, Republicans have brought forth commonsense, environmentally responsible energy policies that would provide our country with its own secure oil and gas supply, but those policies have been road blocked by Democrats in Congress, the Senate and the White House. Even now, as gas and diesel prices set record highs across the country, the Majority Leadership continually refuses to tackle this mounting problem.

The truth is simple-Congress must take action to encourage conservation and promote the research and innovation necessary to develop new energy sources and technologies. But while doing this, we must unlock new energy supplies here at home. This week Republicans in Congress unveiled an energy plan that will bring the much needed relief American families are anxious for by safely and responsibly increasing American supplies. These good reforms are the only way Americans are going to see lower prices at the pump.

I will work with my colleagues to deliver a plan that works with meaningful solutions that make our nation more energy dependent. Here is how we will do it:

First, we will increase the production of American-made energy in an environmentally-safe way by supporting actions that reduce America’s dependency on energy from unstable foreign governments and dictatorships by increasing environmentally-safe production of oil and natural gas in areas such as the arctic coastal plain and in deep ocean energy resources. We will also promote unconventional fuels such as coal-to-liquids technology and recovering our vast oil shale reserves by increasing access for environmentally responsible development of conventional and unconventional domestic oil and natural gas production, provide coal-to-liquid financing and tax incentives, and advance the commercialization of the nation’s two-trillion barrel shale oil resource, 80 percent of which occurs on government-owned land in the West. This is enough to supply all of America’s needs for over two centuries.

Second, we will promote new, clean and reliable sources of energy. We will do this by encouraging more production of environmentally-safe energy to increase the use of our vast domestic supply, reduce emissions and keep coal-dependent communities strong. We will also expand emissions-free nuclear power, including long term nuclear waste storage solutions and recycling spent fuel by providing production and investment tax credits for all new base-load electricity projects such as advanced nuclear power and clean coal. We must also allow immediate expensing for new renewable or zero emission power.

Next, we will cut the red tape and increase the supply of American-made fuel and energy. We will expedite permitting for enhanced oil recovery projects, including CO2 delivery and injection, as well as permitting for new refining capacity. We will improve environmental review and permitting to encourage the deployment of technologies which increase the efficiency of existing power plants, and we will end ill-advised policies that have led to the production of unique gasoline and diesel fuel formulations known as “boutique fuels,” which have fragmented our motor fuels distribution system and choked off supply.

Finally, this plan will encourage greater energy efficiency by offering conservation tax incentives. We will support technologies to help increase energy efficiency in all sectors of the American economy, including removing barriers that prevent businesses from upgrading their facilities with newer, more efficient energy. We will do this by making home energy efficiency upgrades tax deductible, providing incentives for home builders and homeowners to make their homes more energy efficient, offering investment expensing for industrial and commercial building efficiency upgrades, extending the residential and business solar and fuel cell investment tax credits, extending the fiber-optic distributed sunlight investment tax credit, and increasing the energy efficiency of government-owned buildings.

I am committed to a comprehensive energy reform policy that will increase the supply of American-made energy, improve energy efficiency, and encourage investment in groundbreaking research in advanced alternative and renewable energy technologies. With 21st Century technologies and the strictest standards in the world, American can and must produce more of our own energy and protect the environment at the same time. That is the change Americans deserve. I call on my Democratic colleagues to work with Republicans and pass these commonsense solutions.


Thursday, May 29th, 2008

The sexual abuse and exploitation of a child is one of the most despicable and vicious crimes conceivable. As a father of four and a district judge for over 20 years, I feel strongly about doing everything we can to keep our children protected-especially from sexual predators. This fast-paced, cyber world we live in has opened the door for more threats to our children. Child pornography and sexual crimes against children have exploded due to the Internet, chat rooms and social networking sites.

Every day, children are targeted by sexual predators. Whether it’s through online social networking or pornographic images of a minor, our children are becoming increasingly vulnerable to predators and pedophiles. Popular social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook make it easier for teens to post and share personal information, pictures and videos, which may make them more vulnerable to online predators. The national statistics paint a frightening picture.

• In 2007 alone, MySpace identified and removed the profiles of 17,000 sex offenders.
• 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 10 boys are sexually exploited before they reach adulthood.
• According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. 1 in 5 children ages 10-17 years old will be sexually solicited online. Of these, 70 percent are teenage girls.
• According to the FBI, 50,000 child sexual predators are online at any time searching for potential victims, and sex offenders are 4 times more likely to re-offend.
• The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children averages 1,400 child pornography reports every week.

I am committed to protecting America’s children from sexual predators. Recently, I co-sponsored two bills, the Sex Offender Internet Prohibition Act and the Protecting America’s Children Act. The Sex Offender Internet Prohibition Act will impose mandatory penalties of 5 to 20 years in prison for registered sex offenders who knowingly access an Internet website with the intent to communicate with an unsuspecting child. The Protecting America’s Children Act ensures that state and local governments have provisions in place to prevent child predators, which have been arrested and are awaiting trial, from fleeing or committing additional crimes.

These are both good bills that take additional steps to protect our children from sexual predators, but Congress must continue to do more. As parents, we can also help alleviate the danger. We can talk to our children about not responding to any unknown e-mail, particularly offensive of dangerous e-mail, chat or any other communication. We can also keep the computer in a family room or other open area, and visit our children’s favorite sites and familiarize ourselves to stay informed. We should make sure our children’s screen names are non-descriptive so they cannot be identified as a child, and always get to know the adults in our children’s lives and stay in touch with them to make sure the relationship (both online and offline) remains within appropriate boundaries.

As a district judge for 20 years, I put criminals behind bars so our children might live in a safer world. If passed, these bills will send a clear message that those who prey on our children will be caught, prosecuted, and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Since coming to Congress, I have worked to protect our nation’s children, and I will continue that fight for the safety of every vulnerable child.

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