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September 02, 2005  
WASHINGTON, DC-- Senators Susan Collins and Joseph Lieberman, Chairman and Ranking Member, respectively, of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, announced today that their Committee will conduct an oversight investigation of the preparation for, and response to Hurricane Katrina. The initial focus of the oversight investigation will be to ensure that the federal government is doing all it can to help the victims of this terrible tragedy. Senators Collins and Lieberman will hold hearings on the problems with preparedness and response to the hurricane and other natural and man-made disasters once emergency efforts have brought the situation under adequate control.

The Senators have scheduled an initial briefing by DHS officials for Committee Members and Senators from affected states on Wednesday, September 7th at 10:00 a.m. The briefing will be closed to the media, but the Senators will schedule a press availability after the briefing.

Senators Collins and Lieberman, both of whom have had ongoing discussions with DHS and FEMA officials since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, have released this statement:

“We are saddened and horrified by the pain, suffering, and human tragedy caused by the worst natural disaster in American history. Rescuers and relief workers are dealing with 90,000 square miles in the Gulf Coast of flooding and total devastation. Entire communities have been destroyed, families have lost loved ones and been torn apart, and the economy has been brought to its knees.

“As the Chairman and Ranking Member of the committee with jurisdiction over FEMA, it is our duty to ensure that the Executive Branch has all the resources and authorities it needs to coordinate and respond to this catastrophe. We will work with FEMA and other agencies to identify what additional support and resources they might need during this terrible time.

“It is also our responsibility to investigate the lack of preparedness and inadequate response to this terrible storm. While it is too early to reach conclusions on the response of government to this catastrophe, it is increasingly clear that serious shortcomings in preparedness and response have hampered relief efforts at a critical time.

“As President Bush made clear yesterday, the federal government’s priorities must be these: first, save lives; second, sustain lives by ensuring the necessary supplies of food, water, shelter, and medical supplies; and third, execute a comprehensive recovery effort.

“It is critical that we in the Senate do everything in our power to strengthen the federal government’s response, and that we thoroughly examine what appears to be breakdowns in preparedness for and responses to disasters, without interfering with efforts that are currently underway. We intend to demand answers as to how this immense failure occurred, but our immediate focus must and will be on what Congress can do to help the rescue and emergency operations that are ongoing.”
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September 2005 Press Releases
August   October   --   2004   2006  
September 29 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Requests Extensive Government Documents for Hurricane Katrina Investigation

September 28 - Senators Collins and Lieberman Hold Hearing on Transit Security to Examine Lessons Learned from the London Attacks

September 28 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Approves Bills to Help Victims of Hurricane Katrina

September 21 - Senators Collins and Lieberman Introduce Bill to Help Improve Communications for First Responders

September 19 - Senators Susan Collins and Joseph Lieberman Call on DHS to Issue Unclassified Version of Natl Transportation Security Strategy

September 19 - A Fix for First Responders

September 16 - Senators Susan Collins and Joseph Lieberman Unveil Bill to Assign an IG to Oversee Katrina-Related Expenditures

September 14 - Senators Collins, Lieberman Hold First Congressional Hurricane Katrina Hearing

September 13 - Lieberman Calls for Funding for First Responder Communications

September 12 - Lieberman Statement on Michael Brown Resignation

September 9 - Lieberman Offers Economic Relief Package For Katrina Victims

September 6 - Lieberman Statement on HSGAC Katrina Investigation

September 2 current Press Release

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510