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Press Releases

February 08, 2005  
“In these difficult times for our country, we know that the threat of terrorism has not ended. We have to keep doing all we can to see that our borders are protected and our immigration laws are enforced. One of our greatest responsibilities in Congress is to establish a system which protects our borders, and also protects legitimate asylum seekers.

“We commend the bipartisan Commission on International Religious Freedom for its thorough and detailed report published today on the expedited removal system and its impact on asylum seekers. The report raises serious concerns that many eligible asylum seekers are denied protection in the United States and sent back to their native lands to face danger or severe persecution and torture.

“According to the report, asylum seekers are frequently provided only limited information on their rights and options, and in some cases are pressured to withdraw their claims of fear of persecution. They are detained in harsh conditions often alongside criminal inmates.

“Our laws include a number of safeguards designed to ensure that legitimate asylum seekers fleeing persecution and torture are not deported to the countries they fled. But, many of the safeguards enacted by Congress for asylum seekers “have not been enforced through effective quality assurance measures.”

“The United States has always been a place of refuge for those seeking freedom. It was founded on these principles and we must continue to uphold them. Asylum seekers are often persons who have stood alone, at immense personal cost, against hostile governments and for fundamental principles such as individual liberty and religious freedom. We must do all we can to adopt policies that are fair and just. It is our responsibility to see that asylum seekers have the full protection they deserve.

“The Commission’s timely report exposes the flaws and inconsistencies in the expedited removal process. We urge members of Congress to act on the Commission’s findings and the shameful abuses of the current system, and reject any proposals that would make it even more difficult for persons fleeing human rights abuses to seek safe haven in the United States.”
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February 2005 Press Releases
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February 17 - Lieberman Statement on Nomination of John Negroponte to be DNI and General Michael Hayden to be Principal Deputy Director

February 14 - Lieberman Endorses Chertoff For Homeland Security Secretary

February 10 - Lieberman Condemns Proposed DOD Personnel Rules

February 8 current Press Release

February 7 - Administration Shortchanges First Responders For Second Year In a Row

February 4 - Senator Lieberman Calls On All Government Agencies To Follow Best Diversity Management Practices

February 2 - Lieberman Statement on Homeland Security Nominee

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510