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Ranking Member Grassley


September 2008

9-15-08 Lawmakers Announce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill To Support Foster Care, Adoption Programs

9-12-08 Grassley Responds to Colleagues on Presidential Candidates’ Small Business Tax Plans

9-11-08 Grassley Offers Analysis of Candidates’ Tax Plans for Small Business

Small Business Administration FAQs

Tax Thermometer

Tax Amnesia

Flow-through Shares

Contributions to Business Activity

Taxation of Flow-through Businesses

Increase in Small Business Top Marginal Rates

Flow-through Income and Individual Tax Rates

Example of Increased Marginal Rate on Small Business Owner

Small Business Owner Household Income

Small Business Groups’ Letter on Rate Cuts, Expensing

CBPP Article, Big Misconceptions About Small Business and Taxes

Baucus, Grassley Press Release on Small Business Taxes

Tax Rate Distribution Table

9-11-08 Baucus, Grassley Applaud Highway Trust Fund Fix

9-10-08 Grassley wins committee passage of bill to help foster care kids get permanent, loving homes

9-8-08 Grassley Urges Continued Look at College Endowment Growth, Student Affordability

Estimates of Individual Federal Tax Expenditures for Education

To view the endowment rountable, having downloaded Adobe Flash Player, please click here. The video/audio starts at 17:45 seconds.

9-4-08 Grassley, Welch Release Participant List for September 8, 2008, College Endowment Roundtable

9-3-08 Suggested Reading List for Roundtable, “Maximizing the Use of Endowment Funds and Making Higher Education More Affordable,” on Monday, September 8, 2008, 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Panel 1

“College Costs and Prices: Issues for Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act”, Rebecca Skinner and Blake Naughton, Congressional Research Service, October 30, 2007.


 “The Growing Imbalance: Recent Trends in U.S. Postsecondary Education Finance”, Delta Project on Postsecondary Education Costs, Productivity and Accountability, April 2008.


Panel 2

“Endowments of Not-for-Profit Organizations: Net Asset Classification of Funds Subject to an Enacted Version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, and Enhanced Disclosures for All Endowment Funds”, No. FAS 117-1, Financial Accounting Standards Board, August 6, 2008.


DRAFT 2008 Form 990, Schedule D http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-dft/f990sd--dft.pdf

DRAFT 2008 Form 990, Schedule D instructions http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/schdinstructions.pdf

Panel 3

“Spending to Save”, Forbes, Senator Chuck Grassley, August 13, 2008.


“The Public Service of Universities”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Robert Berdahl, President, Association of American Universities, Vol 54, Issue 42, Page A32, June 27, 2008.


“Wealthy Colleges Must Make Themselves More Affordable”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Senator Chuck Grassley, Vol. 54, Issue 38, Page A36, May 30, 2008


“Harvard Endowment Aces a Brutal Year”, The Wall Street Journal, Page C1, August 7, 2008.



“Endowments Widen a Higher Education Gap”, Karen Arenson, The New York Times, February 4, 2008.


 “How Long Should Gifts Just Grow?”, The New York Times, Stephanie Strom, November 12, 2007.


“Endowments Can Become Too Much of A Good Thing”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Mark Schneider, Vol. 52, Issue 39, Page B18, June 2, 2006


“When $26 Billion Isn’t Enough”, The Wall Street Journal, December 17, 2005.


“University Endowment Returns Are Underspent”, Don Frey, Challenge, July-August 2002.


 “When Time Isn’t Money: Foundation Payouts and the Time Value of Money”, Michael Klausner, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring 2003

“Why Do Universities Have Endowments”, Henry Hannsmann, TheJournal of Legal Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1, (Jan., 1990), pp. 3-42

Article, “Scrooge U: The Illusion of Generosity”, by Lynne Munson  


Chronicle of Higher Education article, “Pressure Builds on Wealthy Colleges to Spend More of Their Assets”


9-2-08 Grassley Questions Two Tax-exempt Hospitals on Certain Practices

Letter to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Letter to University of Chicago Medical Center

9-2-08 Grassley Supports Bill to Improve Charitable Mileage Deduction

August 2008

8-29-08 Grassley, Colleagues Secure IRS Commitment to Suspend Collection of ISO AMT Liabilities

Letter from IRS commissioner on ISO AMT decision

8-26-08 Grassley, Welch Announce College Endowment Roundtable

8-26-08 Grassley seeks answers about inaccurate estimates of improper payments by Medicare

8-26-08 Report of the HHS Inspector General, Medical Review of Claims for the Fiscal Year 2006 Comprehensive Error Rate Testing Program

8-25-08 Grassley: CMS Needs to Press Part D Sponsors for Anti-fraud Measures

8-25-08 Baucus, Grassley Work to Protect Rural Health Clinics

8-22-08 Grassley Welcomes GlaxoSmithKline Disclosure of Payments to Hospitals, Professional Associations

8-21-08 Grassley on Medicare Improper Payment Rate, Apparent Manipulation of Numbers

Grassley May 8, 2008, letter on Medicare durable medical equipment error rate

Grassley June 18, 2008, letter on Medicare durable medical equipment error rate

Grassley July 24, 2008, letter on Medicare durable medical equipment error rate

8-15-08 Grassley says taxpayers should not be left to pay SEC penalties aimed at financial institutions

8-07-08 Baucus, Grassley Say New Report Should Spur Improvements To Delivery Of Native American Health Care

8-04-08 Grassley react to new FDA guidance regarding advisory committees

July 2008

7-31-08 Senators scrutinize Legal Services Corporation spending, management

7-31-08 Wyden, Grassley Staff Discussion Draft on Oil Speculation Taxation

Legislative Text of Staff Discussion Draft

Technical Explanation of Wyden-Grassley Staff Discussion Draft

7-30-08 Grassley Refutes Tax Extenders False Statement, Outlines Path to Clear Jam

7-30-08 Tax Extenders Bill Fails Again, Democratic Leaders Leave Taxpayers Hanging

7-30-08 Grassley makes progress on legislation to help foster care kids get permanent, loving homes

7-29-08 Grassley Warns of Tax Relief, Tax Hike Flip Flop Post-November

Flip Flop Fish

Source of Deficit Reduction 1990-2000

Tax Hike Amnesia

7-29-08 Grassley: Trade Talks’ Collapse Means Lost Opportunity for U.S., Trade Partners

7-29-08 Grassley: No Trade Deal is Better Than a Bad Deal for U.S. Exporters

7-29-08 Grassley: Trade Policy is Stymied Domestically, at WTO; Unfortunate for U.S. Export Opportunities

7-28-08 Grassley hearing statement about Medicare fraud

7-25-08 Grassley works to protect Medicare dollars, empower patients with information

7-24-08 Grassley Outlines Tax Hikes, Tax Relief, Links to Party Control of Congress, Presidency

Tax Cuts and Increases Under Republicans and Democrats

Average Tax Cuts of Tax Increases Per Year Based on Control of Government

7-23-08 Senators seek federal tax relief for disaster victims in the Midwest

7-23-08 Grassley: Clock is Ticking for Progress at Geneva Trade Talks  

7-22-08 Grassley: Trade Talks Are No Laughing Matter, U.S. Offer on Farm Subsidies is Serious, Should be Treated as Such  

7-22-08 Grassley works to improve fiscal health of hospitals in Iowa

7-18-08 Grassley Welcomes U.S. Win in WTO Case on Chinese Treatment of Imported Auto Parts

7-16-08 Support for S. 2029, the Grassley-Kohl Physician Payments Sunshine Act

7-16-08 Grassley floor speech on vote to sustain the President’s veto of the Medicare bill

7-16-08 Baucus, Grassley Urge IRS To Do More After New GAO Report Finds Weaknesses In Unpaid Tax Collection

Baucus, Grassley Letter Requesting GAO Follow-up Study On The IRS Collection Program

7-14-08 Summary of McConnell, Grassley, Kyl and Hatch Substitute Amendment to S. 3098, the Tax Extenders and Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2008 (TEAMTRA)

Legislative Text of the Amendment

7-11-08 Baucus-Grassley Tax Measures for Homeowners, Homebuyers Win Passage as Senate Acts on Housing Bill

7-10-08 Senator Grassley’s letter to the American Psychiatric Association

7-10-08 Grassley Warns of Back-door Marginal Rate Tax Increases Under Key Democrat’s Plans

Marginal Tax Rates for a Family of Four in the 25 Percent Tax Bracket

Marginal Tax Rates for a Family of Four in the 28 Percent Tax Bracket

Marginal Tax Rates for a Family of Four in the 33 Percent Tax Bracket

7-10-08 Grassley: House Extenders Bill Offers Hedge Fund Mangers’ Offshore Loophole

Majority Leader Reid Letter to Republican Leader McConnell

Economist Hassett’s Analysis of Bloated Spending

McConnell Compromise on Tax Relief

7-9-08 Grassley Continues Oversight of Smithsonian, Red Cross; Meets with Each New Leader

7-7-08 Grassley Update on Ministry Responses, Background Questions and Answers Document

7-2-08 Senators Comment on Currency Legislation

June 2008

6-30-08 Grassley calls on CMS to account for payments to hospitals

GAO report on billions of dollars spent on supplemental payments

6-26-08 Grassley: Obama, Surrogates Want to Tax Americans Who Save, Invest; Describe Their Effort as “Leisure”

Families and Individuals Benefiting from Lower Rates on Capital Gains

Families and Individuals Benefiting from Lower Rates on Dividends

Low Income Savers Benefiting from Retirement Savings Contribution Credit

Excerpt from Transcript of CNN Late Edition

Thorstein Bunde Veblen

6-26-08 Grassley: Democrat Leaders Huff, Puff, Threaten to Blow Tax Extenders House Down

Trifecta bill comment

Big bad wolf

“No offsets, no extenders”

6-25-08 Grassley calls on Congress and NIH leaders to identify conflicts of interest in taxpayer sponsored medical research

Zerhouni response to Grassley's June 4th letter

New York Times story, Researchers Go Unchecked, Report Says

New York Times story, Researchers Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay

Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman and Ranking Member

Letter to Senate Labor-HHS Subcommittee Appropriations Chairman and Ranking Member

Letter to House Appropriations Committee Chairman and Ranking Member

6-24-08 Grassley spearheads tax relief for flood and tornado victims in the Midwest

6-19-08 Grassley Welcomes Housing Reform Bill, Tax Provisions to Help Disaster Recovery

6-18-08 Finance Panel Approves Strong Iran Sanctions Plan

6-18-08 Baucus-Grassley Tax Measures In Housing Bill Provide Incentives To Homeowners, Homebuyers

6-18-08 Grassley Welcomes Iran Sanctions Vote, Advance of Nominations

6-17-08 Baucus, Grassley, Colleagues Introduce Bill To Delay Medical Equipment Bidding Program

6-17-08 Grassley: Cloture Vote on House Tax Extenders Bill is Groundhog Day

1040 Estimated Tax Form

Bill Murray and Groundhog

6-17-08 Grassley Responds to Blue Dogs on Spending Challenge

Blue Dogs’ Bark, Bite, Whimper

6-17-08 Baucus, Grassley Military Tax Relief Package Becomes Law

6-17-08 Grassley: Health Care Reform Must Acknowledge Aging Population

6-12-08 Grassley floor statement on S.3101, the Medicare bill

6-12-08 Grassley: Democratic Leaders’ Failed Medicare Votes Wastes Time, Money

6-12-08 Grassley: Trade Preference Programs Should Not be Taken for Granted

6-12-08 Grassley seeks FDA scrutiny of Paxil and suicide risk

Glenmullen Report

6-11-08 Grassley Warns of Family, Small Business Tax Increases in a Democratic Administration

Single Mother Wall of Tax Increases

Chicken Little

Family of Four Wall of Tax Increases

Higher Than Expected Federal Revenues

Families and Individuals Benefiting from Lower Rates on Capital Gains

Families and Individuals Benefiting from Lower Rates on Dividends

6-11-08 Grassley introduces the Preserving Access to Medicare Act of 2008

Summary of the legislation

Legislative language

6-10-08 Grassley on Energy Tax, House Tax Extenders Cloture Votes

6-10-08 Grassley: House Tax Extenders Bill Illustrates Double Standard on Tax Relief, Spending

Chart, Expiring Mandatory Spending Included in Budget Baseline

Chart, Expiring Tax Relief Not Included in Budget Baseline

Chart, Built-in Deficit Effect of Expiring Spending, Tax Relief, and Appropriations Increases

6-05-08 Grassley asks FDA for rationale in putting ProHeart 6 back on the market

6-05-08 Grassley Statement on Small Business and Tax Reform

6-04-08 Grassley releases summary of physician and health-care professional provisions of Republican Medicare proposal


6-03-08 Grassley: Ethanol is Undeserved Scapegoat at U.N. Food Conference

6-03-08 Grassley floor statement on Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Bill and the need to extend expiring tax incentives for renewable energy

6-02-08 Letter of support from the American Medical Association for the Grassley-Kohl Physician Payments Sunshine Act of 2007

May 2008

5-30-08 Grassley statement about the commentary titled “Grassley's War on Cancer Patients” printed in the 5/29/08 Wall Street Journal

5-29-08 Grassley Outlines Interest in College Endowments, Student Aid, Addresses Colleges’ Concerns

5-29-08 Letters of Endorsement for Grassley’s Improved Adoption Incentives and Relative Guardian Support Act of 2008

Letter from the Child Welfare League of America

Letter from the National Foster Care Coalition

Letter from First Focus

Letter from the National Council for Adoption

5-23-08 Baucus, Grassley Announce Health Reform Summit

5-22-08 Baucus, Grassley Win Passage of Tax Relief for Military Families, Veterans

5-20-08 Grassley Warns of Tax Increases Under Budget Path

Senate Democrats’ Revenue Raisers Well is Almost Dry

Blue Dogs’ Bark, Bite, Whimper

Budget Potato Peeler

Estimated Taxes Form

5-20-08 Support grows for disclosure of drug and device maker money to doctors

Letter of endorsement from Medtronic, Inc.

5-20-08 Adoptive parents and children urge passage of Grassley legislation to move more children from foster care to permanent homes

Letter of support from the Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association

Letter of support from the Kids are Waiting: Fix Foster Care Now campaign sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts

Letter of support from the North American Council on Adoptable Children

Letter of support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption

Letter of support from the National Foster Care Coalition

5-19-08 Grassley to introduce legislation to help special needs children in foster care get permanent homes

5-19-08 Grassley urges Iowans to push back against DC-hatched smear campaign against ethanol

5-19-08 Grassley Hires New Tax Counsel for Finance Committee Staff

5-15-08 Grassley seeks passage of bill to give consumers more information about nursing homes and improve quality of care

5-13-08 Senators praise growing support for transparency in drug industry payments to physicians

Eli Lilly letter of endorsement

Association of American Medical Colleges letter of endorsement

Side-by-side comparison of proposed legislation with existing state law

5-12-08 Grassley Remarks at the Brookings Institution on the U.S.-Colombia Trade Agreement

5-7-08 Grassley says federal jobs should go to veterans

Grassley secures commitment from IRS nominee to try to hire vets

Grassley urges Treasury Secretary to oversee IRS commitment

Grassley urges President to make veterans a priority in federal hiring

Administration response to Grassley letter on hiring veterans

Grassley follows up on his appeal to the Administration on hiring veterans

5-6-08 Senator Grassley’s opening statement at health reform hearing

5-6-08 Senator Grassley’s floor statement on legislation to reauthorize

5-1-08 Aviation, Highway Leaders Join Baucus and Grassley to Advocate Tax Provisions in FAA Legislation

April 2008

4-28-08 Senator Grassley asks FDA about techniques for screening the pharmaceutical supply chain

4-23-08 Response from the Securities and Exchange Commission to April 2 letter from Chairman Baucus and Ranking Member Grassley

4-21-08 Grassley suggests FDA is abdicating its responsibilities with off-label prescribing

4-18-08 Baucus, Grassley Applaud Steps to Boost Medicare Quality Improvement Program

4-18-08 Grassley Welcomes South Korea’s Agreement to Accept U.S. Beef

4-17-08 Baucus-Grassley Bill Blocks AMT For More Working Families, Extends Energy Incentives, Individual and Business Tax Relief

4-16-08 Grassley floor statement on Medicaid moratoriums legislation moving in the House of Representatives

March 2008 memo from CRS regarding Medicaid regulations

4-15-08 Grassley Urges Private Debt Collection Detractors to Consider Facts, Including Disciplinary Actions Against IRS Employees

Commissioner's Disciplinary Report 1/1-6/30, 2007
Commissioner's Disciplinary Report Analysis 1/1/-6/30,2007

Commissioner's Disciplinary Report 7/1/07-12/31/07
Commissioner's Disciplinary Report Analysis 7//1/07-12/31/07

4-15-08 Grassley says new reports buttress effort for greater transparency from drug makers

4-15-08 Grassley seeks independent review, answers to NIH subverting peer review process in awarding grants

Report of Review Panel regarding NIEHS actions

Email from Raynard Kington to David Schwartz

4-14-08 Finance Committee Leaders Detail Elements of Farm Bill Tax Package

4-11-08 Responses from pharmaceutical drug and device makers to Grassley request for disclosure of support for continuing medical education

Letter from Baxter
Letter from Medtronic
Letter from Boston Scientific
Letter from Merck
Letter from Pfizer
Letter from St. Jude Medical
Letter from Abbott Lab
Letter from Amgen
Letter from AstraZeneca
Letter from Bristol Myers Squibb
Letter from J&J
Letter from Schering-Plough
Letter from Stryker
Letter from Wyeth
Letter from Zimmer Holdings

4-10-08 Baucus, Grassley Tax Relief for Homeowners, Homebuyers, Homebuilders Passes with Senate Housing Bill

4-10-08 Grassley warns of tax-related identity theft, outlines steps to help secure identity

4-9-08 Grassley comment on House rule change to stop vote on Colombia free trade agreement

4-9-08 Grassley statement on SCHIP during Finance subcommittee hearing

4-8-08 Grassley Hires Tax Counsel to Handle Tax-Exempt Policy, Investigations

4-7-08 Grassley Urges Vote on U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement Bill

4-3-08 Grassley questions increases in drug maker rebates to physicians prescribing anti-anemia drugs

4-3-08 Grassley Urges Estate Tax Reform Mark-up

4-2-08 Grassley floor statement on drug company payments to doctors

4-2-08 Grassley, Baucus seek details of executive compensation, SEC knowledge of Bear Stearns collapse

4-2-08 Baucus, Grassley Offer Tax Relief for Homeowners, Homebuyers, Homebuilders

Baucus-Grassley tax credit provides homeowners a $7,000 credit for purchase of foreclosed homes

Baucus-Grassley Tax-exempt bond authority aids states to shore up local housing markets with affordable loans

Baucus-Grassley Business Tax Provision Saves Jobs, Helps Struggling Companies Survive

Baucus-Grassley Housing Amendment provides new property tax deduction to 28 million Americans

4-2-08 Grassley seeks IG review of SEC actions in a case against Bear Stearns

4-1-08 Senate Finance Committee Bipartisan Staff Discussion Draft of
Bush Administration proposal for information reporting
on electronic payment mechanism reimbursements  

4-1-08 Treasury Department Responds to Baucus/Grassley Letter on Bear Stearns

Text of the Treasury Department’s Response

March 2008

3-31-08 Update on Ministry Responses in Tax-exempt Policy Review

3-31-08 Senator Grassley asks Merck, Schering-Plough additional questions about Vytorin Study

3-26-08 Baucus, Grassley Question Players in Bear Stearns Deal

3-25-08 Grassley comment on annual trustees’ report on Social Security and Medicare

3-20-08 Grassley Explores Consequences of Bear Stearns Deal for Taxpayers, Company Insiders

3-14-08 Grassley Introduces Medicare Rural Health Access Improvement Act

3-13-08 Grassley Floor Statement on Medicaid Moratoriums, Fiscal 2009 Budget Resolution

CRS Memo in Response to Questions about Medicaid Regulation

3-13-08 Grassley says changes to improve FDA post-market review remain elusive

3-13-08 Baucus, Grassley Seek JCT Analysis of U.S. Taxation of Sovereign Wealth Funds

3-12-08 Grassley, Baucus Urge Four Ministries to Cooperate with Information Request

3-11-08 Grassley Floor Statement on Health Issues in the Fiscal 2009 Budget Resolution

Democrat’s Health To-Do List

3-11-08 Grassley seeks feedback on use of registration fees for inspection of foreign manufacturers of pharmaceutical drugs

3-10-08 Opening Statement of Senator Grassley during Senate Floor Debate on Fiscal 2009 Budget

Wall of Tax Increases – Family of Four

Wall of Tax Increases – Single Parent

Lower Rates on Dividends – benefit by state

Lower Rates on Capital Gains – benefit by state

Senate Democrats’ Revenue Raisers Well is Almost Dry

Tax Gap Reality Check

Proposed Uses of Tax Gap Revenue

Ratio of Proposed Tax Gap Uses Relative to Enacted Revenue Raisers

Revenue Raised from Repeal of Bipartisan 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief

Total Revenues as a Percentage of GDP, 1968-2018

Higher than Expected Revenues

3-7-08 Baucus, Grassley urge Farm Bill cooperation

3-6-08 Grassley: Trade Agreements Level Playing Field for U.S. Exporters

3-5-08 Baucus, Grassley to hold Roundtable discussion on value-based purchasing in Medicare

For more information on the roundtable click here.

3-4-08 Grassley secures review of FDA approvals based on narrow health benefits

3-4-08 Grassley works to protect seniors from predatory practices by insurance companies

February 2008

2-28-08 Grassley Supports Andean Trade Preference Extension, Pledges Continued Vigilance of Issues of Concern

2-28-08 Grassley comments on guidelines from medical college and university associations about monitoring conflicts of interest among researchers and faculty

2-28-08 Grassley presses FDA for more information about foreign inspections, drug safety

2-27-08 Grassley: NAFTA Opt-out Sentiment Misses Huge Benefits to U.S. Exporters

2-27-08 Senator Grassley comments on support for the Physician Payments Sunshine Act

2-26-08 Grassley seeks voluntary disclosure of payments by drug companies on continuing education for doctors

2-21-08 Baucus, Grassley comment on Forbes.com story about specialty hospitals

2-20-08 Grassley: Stanford’s Student Aid Spending May be Latest in Trend, Small Iowa College Offers Example of Commitment to Students

2-20-08 Grassley Urges IRS to Fix Unreasonable Electronic Filing Deadline for Family Farmers

2-14-08 Grassley, Kohl Work to Improve Care in Nursing Homes

2-13-08 Grassley follows up with Treasury Secretary on hiring 1,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans for IRS jobs

2-12-08 Grassley testimony regarding antibiotic Ketek before House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

2-12-08 Grassley urges FDA to better target foreign inspection resources to improve drug safety

2-12-08 Grassley asks additional questions about the Vytorin ENHANCE clinical trial

2-11-08 Grassley, Schumer Urge Payday Lenders Not to Exploit Stimulus Rebate Checks

2-8-08 Grassley urges House to support wind energy tax credit, reject last year’s effort to cap credit

Grassley letter to Rangel

2-7-08 CMS, Congress, Plans Need to Rein in Abusive Sales Tactics in Medicare Advantage

2-6-08 Grassley letter to pharmaceutical drug maker about notice of drug trial findings

Senator Grassley's letter and attachments

2-6-08 Sen. Grassley’s letter regarding the FDA, a pharmaceutical drug maker and a safety officer at the FDA

Index of Appendix


2-5-08 Tax Relief Has Boosted Federal Revenue Base, is Separate from Entitlement Problem

2-4-08 Grassley Welcomes Realization about SCHIP Funding Needs, Seeks Explanation for Administration’s Dramatic Turn-around

2-1-08 Grassley: SEC Agrees to Conduct More Aggressive Oversight of Stock Exchanges

SEC letter to Sen. Grassley

January 2008

1-31-08 Grassley: Senate Stimulus Bill Improves Upon the House Bill

1-31-08 Grassley: House Stimulus Bill Reveals Inconsistency on Benefits to Illegal Immigrants

1-30-08 Grassley Praises Committee-Passed Economic Stimulus Package

1-30-08 Grassley Advances Consideration of Renewable Energy Tax Incentives

1-30-08 Senator Grassley’s letter to the President of U.S. Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline

1-30-08 Senator Grassley’s floor statement regarding manipulating science and Avandia

1-29-08 Grassley secures commitment from IRS nominee to consider veterans from Iraq, Afghanistan for vacant jobs at agency

1-25-08 Grassley comments on the American College of Cardiology clarifying its position on ezetimibe (Zetia)

1-24-08 Baucus, Grassley Write to 136 Colleges, Seek Details of Endowment Pay-outs, Student Aid

1-24-08 Sen. Grassley asks questions about controversy over delayed release of drug study involving Vytorin

Grassley letter to the American Heart Association
Grassley letter to the American College of Cardiology
Grassley letter to Schering-Plough
Grassley letter to Merck
Grassley letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission

1-22-08 Grassley: Stimulus Package Should Stress Investment, Not Just Spur Spending

1-18-08 Sen. Grassley’s comment on Oral Roberts University seeking accreditation from the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability

1-18-08 Grassley comment on Inspector General Report on oversight of conflicts of interest with NIH grantees

Report of the Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services

1-15-08 Grassley: Commission’s Gas Tax Increase is Old, Cold Idea

1-14-08 Grassley Welcomes Yale’s Increased Student Aid, Hopes Other Colleges Will Follow Suit

Congressional Research Service memo outlining college endowment size

1-14-08 EU Foot-dragging on Ag Biotech Harms U.S. Producers, Violates Trade Obligations

1-11-08 Commission’s Gas Tax Increase is Bad News for the Economy, Highway Funding Needs

1-10-08 Grassley, Baucus on Inspector General Report on Physician-owned Specialty Hospitals and Emergency Services

January 2008 Inspector General Report on Physician-Owned Specialty Hospitals and Emergency Services

Names of the hospitals reviewed by the Inspector General

Lists of the hospitals that did not meet Medicare Conditions of Participation for at least 1 of the 8 sampled days and hospitals that have a policy to call 911 for medical assistance

March 2006 letter from Grassley and Baucus to the Inspector General

May 2006 letter from the Inspector General to Grassley and Baucus

1-07-08 Grassley Praises Yale’s Endowment Announcement, Looks for More Action on Tuition Affordability


2007 Press Release Archive
2006 Press Release Archive






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