Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, the United States Constitution remains a vital and living document. Having been strengthened by amendments, the Constitution serves as both guide and protector of U.S. citizens and their elected officials. To encourage all Americans to learn more about the Constitution, Congress in 2005 established Constitution Day, to be celebrated each year on or near September 17th, the date in 1787 when delegates to the Convention signed the Constitution.
The United States Senate is proud to commemorate this day with several articles on this Web site, including a feature on a painting depicting Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth composing the Connecticut Compromise. This agreement settled the issue of representation in the two houses of Congress, giving each state equal representation in the Senate.
For more information on the Constitution and its place as the framework for the U.S. government please visit the Senate's Art and History and Reference Web pages.