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Committee on Science and Technology

Press Releases :: January 18, 2007

Chairman Pledges Quick Work on Research Provisions of CLEAN Energy Act

Today Committee on Science and Technology Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN) expressed his support for H.R. 6, the CLEAN Energy Act, which would redirect tax and other benefits for oil companies to a "Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve" to be invested in cleaner alternative energy sources as well as energy efficiency and conservation.

The Chairman made clear that the Committee will focus on ensuring our nation maintains a stable, reliable, and affordable energy supply using sound science and better technologies.

He delivered the following remarks in support of H.R. 6 during House debate on the legislation.

"Mister Speaker, as the father of a 5-year-old daughter, I am deeply concerned about the future of our country.  I am concerned that our children will be the first generation of Americans that do not have a better quality of life than their parents.

"I am concerned about the availability of quality jobs for our children.  I am concerned that our country’s competitive position in the world will continue to deteriorate.  And I am concerned that our country will not have access to the energy supply needed to sustain our economy and our growth.

"For far too long our country has relied on foreign sources of oil to meet our energy needs.  This dependence is bad for our economic security, it is bad for our national security, it harms our ability to create new quality jobs, and it harms our ability to maintain our competitive position in the world.

"Ten years from now, I want to look at my daughter and know that I did my part to help find a solution.

"The bill we are considering today will make a significant down-payment for the development new energy technologies.  A stable domestic energy supply is essential to the economic well-being and the security of our nation.

"For years, we’ve been chipping away at energy policy — increasing production here, a tax incentive there, funding energy R&D when it’s convenient, and letting programs languish when it’s not.  We have even regarded energy conservation as a 'personal virtue.'  It’s time we think of new ways to approach this problem.  Replacing 'traditional' energy sources requires an unprecedented basic research and technology-development effort.

"We must be a world leader, developing new technologies and sustainable energy sources that will maintain our competitive position.  As Chairman of the Science and Technology Committee, you have my commitment that our committee will be doing our part.

"We will be working to use R&D to accelerate the production and use of new biofuels; increase the use of renewable energy like solar, wind, and geothermal; and boost energy efficiency in part by making the Federal Government a model of conservation.

"We will not ignore the potential contribution of clean coal, carbon capture and storage technologies, and better, cleaner ways to produce oil and gas.  And we will not shy away from engaging in a thoughtful dialogue on the role of nuclear power.

"In these ways, we will help ensure a strong secure energy future for our children and help manufacturers keep jobs here by ensuring a stable, reliable, and affordable energy supply.

"Mister Speaker, today I will have the privilege of yielding my time to the next generation of leaders in the energy debate.  These members of Committee on Science and Technology came to Washington to change things and make a difference.

"This is their chance.  This is their opportunity to leave a legacy that includes the creation of a reasonable, balanced, and effective energy policy for years to come.  I am proud I can join with them in support of this bill."



News from the House Science and Technology Committee
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Bart Gordon, Chairman


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