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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 8, 2004


Erie County will use funds for their Family Justice Center as well as hiring an attorney and paralegal for victim services advice and representation

As a Congressman, Schumer was the chief sponsor of 1994 Violence Against Women Act and pushed to re-authorize it as a Senator in 2000

Schumer urged Erie County officials to apply for this funding last November; Erie County was awarded funding under highly competitive DOJ program that only funds 15 family justice centers across the United States

US Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced that the US Department of Justice has awarded over $1 million in Office of Justice Programs (OJP) grants to Erie County under the President's Family Justice Center Initiative to create a domestic violence center and provide an attorney and paralegal to victims and their families.

"When it comes to domestic violence, we need to come at the problem three ways at once: tough on the crime, smart on the prevention, and compassion for victims," Schumer said. "The beauty of this program is it brings all three together under one roof."

The President's Family Justice Center Initiative, a program created in November 2003, will give more than $20 million to domestic violence victim services and support centers to help with planning, development and establishment of the centers. The initiative also supports the creation of 15 family justice centers nationwide. The centers are designed to bring together comprehensive services for domestic violence victims to one centralized location.

Erie County will receive $945,712 for the Erie County Family Justice Center to house civil legal counsel, child care, chaplaincy, medical services, and law enforcement as well as offer direct linkage to shelters, specialized services, and parenting classes to domestic violence victims and family members. In addition to the center, $150,000 will be sent to The Neighborhood Legal Services Inc., to hire an attorney to provide technical assistance and training to staff and represent victims in family law cases for Erie County. A paralegal will also be hired to provide information regarding criminal proceedings. New York City was also awarded a $1,227,000 grant under the program going toward a family justice center in Brooklyn. The funds allocated to the Erie County and New York City family justice centers are part of the President's Family Justice Center Initiative's highly competitive grant program, funding only 15 family justice centers across the nation.

Schumer was the chief House sponsor of the 1994 Violence Against Women Act which gives victims of domestic violence the right to sue their attackers in federal court. As a Senator, Schumer co-sponsored the re-authorization of the bill in 2000.

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