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Thursday, March 06, 2008
Mental Health Parity: Ending Discrimination Against Patients with Mental Illnesses

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Improving College Access and Affordability

Around this time of year, millions of prospective college students around the country are busy with reading brochures, filling out applications and making important decisions about where to go to school.

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Real Bipartisan Cooperation Needed From President to Improve the State of Our Union

In the wake of President Bush’s delivery of his eighth and final State of the Union address, Americans throughout the nation and within Maryland’s 5th Congressional District continue to find themselves facing a number of real and serious challenges.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Quick Bipartisan Action Yields Plan to Boost the Economy

In this column a few weeks ago, I addressed what has become the predominant issue on the minds of many people across the country - the economy.

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Forty Years Later, Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior’s Dream Lives On

Nearly 40 years ago, an assassin’s bullet prematurely ended the life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee, when the civil rights leader was only 39 years old. Today, his dream lives on; and as we, as a nation, remember his birthday, we must reinvigorate our efforts to become the unified America he envisioned nearly four decades ago.

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Fighting for Families in an Uncertain Economy

This week, the President acknowledged what middle class families struggling to make ends meet already know: the economy is unstable. While the President’s attention on the economy is welcome, we need real action to support middle-class families and restore the health of our economy for all Americans.

Thursday, January 03, 2008
Help Save a Life: Donate Blood

January is National Blood Donor Month and serves as an opportunity to remind the millions of eligible donors across the country, and particularly those in Southern Maryland, that the need for blood donations is always present and that giving blood is an easy way to make a significant contribution and even save a life.

Thursday, December 27, 2007
2007: A Year of Progress in a New Direction for America

The first session of the 110th Congress came to a close just over a week ago, marking the completion of the first full year under the leadership of the Democratic majority. As we mark the end of one year and prepare for the beginning of a new one, I, like many Southern Marylanders, have found this holiday season to be a time for both reflection and resolution.

Thursday, December 20, 2007
You Drink & Drive. You Lose.

For many, this time of year reminds us of what is truly important in our lives – the health of our friends, the well-being of our neighbors and the love of all those we hold dear. It is a special time of year, and it is encouraging to hear stories of the tremendous goodwill exhibited by our community. Unfortunately, the holiday season also brings increased risk for families both in terms of fire and theft, but it is also one of the deadliest times of year on America's highways, as the number of drunk drivers rises at a particularly disturbing rate.

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Spread Some Holiday Cheer with a Charitable Gift

The winter holiday season is upon us and I would like to extend warm wishes to everyone in Southern Maryland to have a safe and happy holiday. This is a time when we celebrate the warm traditions of the holidays with loved ones – families reunite, gifts are shared, many people partake in preparing and enjoying lavish meals, and make plans to attend parties and gatherings to celebrate the season.

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