Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Safe Climate Act Will Significantly Reduce Global Warming

Safe Climate Act Will Reduce Global Warming

Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman, together with twelve of his House colleagues, introduced the “Safe Climate Act of 2006.” The legislation is based on what scientists have concluded the United States must do to avoid dangerous, irreversible warming of the planet and would significantly reduce U.S.emissions of greenhouse gases.

“Global warming is the greatest environmental challenge of our time, and we have a short window in which to act to prevent profound changes to the climate system,” said Rep. Waxman. “My legislation reflects what the science says we need to do to protect our children and grandchildren from disastrous climate changes.”

“In effect, the Safe Climate Act sets the targets and then unleashes market forces and American ingenuity to solve the climate problem.”

-Rep. Henry A. Waxman

Scientists have concluded that the planet faces a grave risk of irreversible and devastating global warming if global temperatures increase by more than 3.6°F. To protect against these catastrophic impacts, the Safe Climate Act sets greenhouse gas emissions targets that aim to keep temperatures below the danger point. The level of emissions is frozen in 2010, gradually reduced by 2% each year through 2020, and then reduced by 5% each year through 2050.

The Safe Climate Act achieves these targets through a flexible economy-wide cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gas emissions, along with measures to advance technology and reduce emissions through renewable energy, energy efficiency, and cleaner cars.

According to Rep. Waxman, “In effect, the Safe Climate Act sets the targets and then unleashes market forces and American ingenuity to solve the climate problem.”