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Economy and Jobs

To see video of Congresswoman Lee speaking on this issue, please click here.

Since 2001 our economy has lost 789,000 private sector jobs. States deficits are growing. While in recent years the wealthiest segment of our society has enjoyed substantial growth in wealth and income, the incomes of most individuals have stagnated. In the face of the skyrocketing budget deficit, and as many suffer the worst job losses in a decade, Congress has passed tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent of our society.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee is committed to promoting economic growth and supporting those who need it most. She supports tax cuts for middle and low income families. She has fought for extended unemployment assistance for the long-term unemployed, whose benefits the administration allowed to lapse. She has pushed for aid to state governments that have been burdened with rising Medicare costs and expensive homeland security mandates as their revenues have plunged. Finally, she has worked to secure investment in housing, transit systems, roads, clean water, and schools to stimulate the economy and create jobs.