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Washington, Sep 5 -

Rep. John Carter (TX-31) made the following statement today after the U.S. Department of Transportation announced that the balance in the highway account of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) dropped precipitously over the past 2 months, from $4.2 billion at the end of July to less than $1.4 billion at the beginning of September.  U.S Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters today directed the Federal Highway Administration to take immediate steps to protect the solvency of the highway account of the Highway Trust Fund and called on Congress to act quickly to address this problem. 
“When is Speaker Pelosi going to get the picture?  At what point in time will the Democrat majority come back to Washington from their five week vacation and pass sound energy policy?
“When gas prices go up, people stop driving and thus stop paying gas taxes.  Gas taxes are what fund state highways.  Consequently, when people can’t afford gasoline, Texas can’t afford its roads.
“In the two years since liberals have taken over Congress, gas prices have risen 60 percent.  The irresponsible ‘Do Nothing Congress’ has been answering to radical environmental groups instead of the American people.  Their recklessness has cost us our fuel, our food, our jobs and now it is costing us our roads.  What is next?  Will the rising cost of gasoline cost our children quality education, will it cost our country its national and economic security? 
“Central Texans know just how important transportation dollars are to our continued growth and stability.  I am a strong supporter of H.R. 6532, which would transfer $8 billion from the United States general fund to the Highway Trust fund without raising taxes. The Senate needs to pass this bill and get it to the President, but this short-term solution isn’t enough to cover Texas’ highway needs let alone the mistakes made by the Democratic Congress.
“Republicans have an energy bill, the American Energy Act, which will utilize every bit of American energy in all forms.  This bill would lower prices at the pump and relieve stress for frustrated Texans.  The only thing standing in the way of a solution is Speaker Pelosi.”


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