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Administration Oversight

Congress has a responsibility under the Constitution to conduct oversight of the executive branch. The Committee on Government Reform has the specific responsibility to oversee whether laws and programs are being implemented and carried out in accordance with the intent of Congress and whether they should be continued, curtailed, or eliminated; the application, administration, execution, and effectiveness of laws and programs; and the organization and operation of federal agencies and entities having responsibilities for the administration and execution of laws and programs. As set forth in House Rule X, clause 4, the Committee also may, at any time, conduct investigations of any matter regardless of whether another standing committee has jurisdiction over the matter.

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Monday, May 17, 2004

Data Manipulation Behind Reported Drop in Terrorism

Rep. Waxman criticizes the Patterns of Global Terrorism report for claiming that terrorism reached a record low in 2003 when the underlying data shows that significant terrorist activity was actually at a 20-year high.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Government Paperwork Increases Substantially under Bush Administration

A new report released by Reps. Tierney and Waxman shows that despite the President’s repeated promises to reduce the burden of government paperwork, the number of hours Americans spend filling out government forms has increased significantly under the Bush Administration.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Justice Department Asked to Release Information on Post-Sept. 11 Departure of Saudi Citizens

Rep. Waxman urges the Justice Department to disclose publicly information provided to the Committee in a classified FBI briefing on the departure of members of Osama bin Laden’s family and the Saudi royal family following the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Report Assesses Al Qaeda Attacks Before and After September 11, 2001

Rep. Waxman provides the September 11 Commission with a Congressional Research Service report that finds that al Qaeda attacks have increased since the President declared war on terrorism.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Administration Attempted to Block EU Efforts to Reduce Risks of Chemical Exposure

A new report released by Rep. Waxman shows that the Administration, at the request of the U.S. chemical industry, mounted a campaign to block the efforts of the European Union to require company assessments of the risks of industrial chemicals.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

White House Counsel Called Sept. 11 Panel During Clarke Testimony

Rep. Waxman questions White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales on reports that he placed calls to members of the September 11 Commission during the testimony of former National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism Richard Clarke.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Members Urge DHS to Revise Personnel Plan

Rep. Waxman and the five minority members of the Civil Service Subcommittee express concerns about a new Department of Homeland Security personnel system that would infringe on employee collective bargaining and appeal rights without furthering the Department’s ability to perform its mission.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Members Urge DOD to Submit Labor Plan Consistent with Intent of Congress

Rep. Waxman, along with Sens. Lieberman, Levin, Akaka, Durbin, and Reps. Skelton and Danny Davis, express serious concerns about an initial proposal for a new Defense Department labor relations system that effectively eliminates collective bargaining and makes changes to internal union procedures which have no relation to the Department’s national security mission.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Secret Service Questioned on White House Ricin Letter

Rep. Waxman asks about recent reports that the Secret Service waited six days to inform the U.S. Postal Service about the discovery of a ricin-contaminated letter addressed to the White House.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

U.S. Role in Evacuating Saudi Citizens Questioned

Rep. Waxman asks about the Justice Department's role in evacuating members of the bin Laden family and other Saudi citizens in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Supreme Court Urged to Consider Formal Recusal Process

Justice Scalia's refusal to recuse himself in the upcoming case involving Vice President Cheney's energy task force appears to conflict with the standard set in a 1996 case in which a federal judge was removed because of a friendship with former President Clinton.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Members Asks for Investigation of DOD Handling of National Guard Case

Reps. Waxman, Clay, and Gephardt ask the Defense Department Inspector General to investigate whether a Republican state senator in Missouri who is also a member of the Missouri National Guard received special treatment from the Department of Defense.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Federal Agency Cites HUD Nominee for Labor Violation

Rep. Waxman reveals that in December the Federal Labor Relations Authority found that Alphonso Jackson, President Bush's nominee for HUD Secretary, "interfered with the statutory rights" of HUD employees to participate in union activities.

Monday, October 27, 2003

'Hit List' Targets NIH-Funded Researchers

Rep. Waxman expresses outrage at a list of more than 150 scientists funded by NIH who are being targeted for their research on HIV/AIDS, human sexuality, and risk-taking behaviors. NIH is now asking these scientists to provide additional justification for their work.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Questions on Administration's Use of Executive Privilege

In a letter to White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, Rep. Waxman questions the Executive Branch's apparently inconsistent and selective use of executive privilege to prevent disclosure of information related to pardons issued by President Clinton.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

FTC Asked to Address Youth Targeting and Industry Self-Regulation in Alcohol Advertising

Rep. Waxman and eight other members of Congress ask that the FTC, in its upcoming report on youth exposure to alcohol advertising, address new evidence on whether children and teenagers are disproportionately exposed to alcohol advertisements and whether current alcohol industry self-regulation on the targeting of underage consumers is proving sufficient.

Friday, May 09, 2003

Cabinet Members Receive Average Tax Cut of $42,000 Under House Republican Plan

A new analysis shows that Vice President Cheney, President Bush, and other members of the Cabinet would receive an average tax cut of over $42,000 under the House Republican proposal to cut taxes on capital gains and dividends.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

The President's Visit to the USS Abraham Lincoln

Rep. Waxman asks GAO for an accounting of the cost of the President's recent dramatic landing on a visit to the aircraft carrier. The White House has admitted that the President could have traveled to the carrier, which was located just off the San Diego coast, less theatrically.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Proposed Tax Cuts Would Provide Few Benefits for Kentucky Taxpayers

A new report analyzes the impact of proposed tax cuts in Kentucky. It finds that few Kentucky taxpayers would benefit from the proposal to reduce taxes on capital gains and dividends.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Administration Proposes Cuts in CDC's Budget, Neglects Decaying Public Health Infrastructure

Rep. Waxman protests the Administration's proposal to cut CDC's public health budget, citing the need for a strong public health infrastructure to protect the nation from SARS and other biological threats.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

President's Proposed Tax Cuts Would Provide Few Benefits for Ohio Taxpayers

A new report analyzes the impact of President Bush's tax cut proposal in Ohio. It finds that few Ohio taxpayers would benefit from the proposal to eliminate taxes on dividends.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Multi-Million Dollar Tax Savings for Top Executives

A new report released by Rep. Waxman shows that while President Bush's plan to eliminate personal income tax on dividends would have little impact on the average American, the three top executives at "Fortune 100" corporations would share an estimated tax savings of nearly $120 million each year. More than 20 top executives would each receive annual tax savings of over $1 million.

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Suspected Terrorist Leader Meets with White House Staff

Rep. Waxman writes Secret Service Director Ralph Basham to ask why Sami Al-Arian, a suspected terrorist leader, was allowed to visit the White House complex while at the same time the subject of an FBI investigation. Al-Arian has since been indicted on 50 counts of conspiring to finance terrorist attacks and as serving as a leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Lobbyists Host Reception for Top Administration Telecommunications Official

Rep. Waxman asks the Commerce Department's Inspector General to investigate a private reception paid for by wireless industry lobbyists in honor of Assistant Secretary of Commerce Nancy Victory, the Administration's top official on telecommunications issues. Soon after the reception, Ms. Victory wrote to the FCC to urge the adoption of a position advocated by the wireless industry.

Friday, January 10, 2003

Concern Over Justice Department Takeover of Insurance Company

Rep. Waxman and other members have expressed concern about the Justice Department's failure to prosecute the French bank Credit Lyonnais for its fraudulent takeover of Executive Life Insurance Company in 1991.

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