Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Energy Policy

Waxman Amendment Would Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil

During debate on the energy bill today, Rep. Waxman urged House colleagues today to support an amendment that would require that the Administration reduce oil demand in the U.S. by 1,000,000 barrels per day by 2013. The amendment failed 166-262 (Roll Call No. 117).

In a Dear Colleague letter, Rep. Waxman urged support for the measure:

"What my amendment seeks to do is reduce the amount of oil that is wasted every year."
"This is an anti-environment, anti-consumer, anti-taxpayer bill."
Dear Colleague:

When the Energy Policy Act of 2005 is considered on the House floor today, I will be offering an amendment to reduce the demand for foreign oil in the U.S. from projected levels. I am writing to urge you to join me in this important effort.

For the five years leading up to the war in Iraq, the United States sent over $5 billion per year to Saddam Hussein to pay for Iraqi oil. Too much of that money was used to buy military weapons that are now trained on American servicemen and women. This amendment is a modest first step toward ending this dangerous dependency on oil from repressive regimes.

Specifically, the amendment would require the Administration to take “voluntary, regulatory, and other actions” to reduce oil demand in the U.S. by 1,000,000 barrels per day from projected levels by 2013. This amounts to a reduction in oil demand of just 4% from projected future levels.

The amendment focuses on oil consumption by all sectors of the economy, where there are many ways to reduce the waste of oil. For instance, keeping automobile tires properly inflated, weatherizing homes, upgrading air traffic management systems, or simply obeying the speed limit can have huge dividends in eliminating waste. Other measures - including increases in CAFE standards - are possible (as they are under current law), but are not mandated. This amendment will allow the agencies to focus on all sources of demand and come up with the best plan possible to increase efficiencies and reduce waste. And if the President determines that there are no practical opportunities to reduce waste to achieve the goal, then the amendment allows the nation to simply do the best we can.

Congress needs to show our troops that we can do our part at home to keep them out of harm’s way. A modest 4% reduction in oil consumption is the very least we can do. I hope you will join me in helping to eliminate the waste of oil in the United States.


/s Henry A. Waxman

Henry A. Waxman
Member of Congress