Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Steroid Use in Sports

Committee Announces Hearing on NFL and Steroids

Today Chairman Davis and Rep. Waxman announced a hearing on the National Football League steroids policy. The hearing will focus on the NFL’s drug policy and its effectiveness in reducing the use of prohibited drugs by players. This hearing is part of the Committee’s ongoing work on steroids use in sports.

“A public review of the NFL’s strategy for combating steroid use marks the next step in our investigation,” Rep. Davis said. “Examining the effectiveness of the NFL’s policy is a key part of understanding why 500,000 high school students today have tried steroids.”

“I appreciate the NFL’s cooperation with the Committee,” said Rep. Waxman. “Steroid use in America is a significant problem. I believe this hearing will help us learn more about how pervasive it is, and whether the NFL’s policy is as effective as it could be.”

When: Wednesday, April 27, at 10:00 a.m.

Where: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Witnesses invited to date include:

Paul Tagliabue, Commissioner, National Football League
Harold Henderson, Executive Vice President, Labor Relations, National Football League
Gene Upshaw, Executive Director, National Football League Players Association