Thursday, April 17, 2008

Committee Passes Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act

On Wednesday, April 16, the Committee passed H.R. 5781, the Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act of 2008, which would provide four weeks of paid parental leave for all federal employees. Employees will also for the first time be allowed to use their accrued sick leave for an additional eight weeks of paid leave. By combining the four weeks of paid parental leave with earned sick leave, many federal employees will now be able to get paid for the full 12 weeks of parental leave that is their right under the existing Family and Medical Leave Act.

The roll call on final passage was 21-10. The following Members voted aye: Mr. Waxman, Mr. Towns, Ms. Maloney, Mr. Kucinich, Mr. Davis (IL), Mr. Tierney, Mr. Clay, Ms. Watson, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Higgins, Mr. Yarmuth, Ms. Norton, Ms. McCollum, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Hodes, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Sarbanes, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Davis (VA), Mr. Platts. The following Members voted nay: Mr. Burton, Mr. Souder, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Issa, Mr. Marchant, Mr. Westmoreland, Mr. McHenry, Ms. Fox, Mr. Sali, and Mr. Jordan.