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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 14, 2007
CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison: Senate Passes 2007 Farm Bill
$286 Billion Bill Renews and Expands Farm Policies Key to Texas Agriculture

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), today voted for the H.R. 2419, the 2007 Farm Bill, which contains important provisions for Texas, including a safety net for producers and creation of a permanent agricultural disaster assistance trust fund. The Senate passed the $286 billion measure by a vote of 79-14.

“I am very pleased that we’ve renewed and strengthened many important policies that have been so good for Texas,” Sen. Hutchison said. “The Farm Bill will maintain the critical safety net for Texas producers, while also supporting commodities, conservation, and nutrition. I will continue to work on behalf of farmers and ranchers in our state to spur growth in this vital sector.”

The 2007 Farm Bill contains a strong and sufficient safety net for producers, ensuring that direct payments, counter-cyclical payments, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments remain available to aid farmers in times of distress. The bill creates a permanent Agriculture Disaster Assistance Trust Fund, authorizing $5.1 billion over five years to provide farmers relief in the event of a disaster. The provision would cover losses not covered by crop insurance. Currently, farmers and ranchers are often forced to wait months to receive critical assistance from the government for agriculture disasters.

“Our farmers and ranchers need to know that when a weather-related disaster strikes or when crops fail or prices fall, a dependable safety net exists. The provisions in the Farm Bill will assure producers that they can be protected from unforeseen events,” Sen. Hutchison said.

Sen. Hutchison, along with Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), also secured in the Farm Bill a demonstration project for schools to address the rising childhood obesity epidemic. The project authorizes up to $25 million, allowing schools to hire a Nutrition Coordinator and fund parent nutrition education. Family-based approaches to nutrition have been proven effective in promoting long-term, healthy lifestyles.

The 2007 Senate Farm Bill renews and builds upon many successful programs included in the 2002 Farm Bill, and authorizes farm policy for the next five years.


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