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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 11, 2007
CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison Announces $400,000 Research Grant for the University of Texas at Arlington

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today announced that a $400,000 research grant has been awarded to The University of Texas at Arlington by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

“These NSF funds will help UT-Arlington continue its leading efforts in research and education,” Sen. Hutchison said.

The grant will go to support a project entitled “CAREER: Multi-scale cell-fluid-matrix interactions during freezing/thawing of biological tissues,” which is under the direction of Dr. Bumsoo Han, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Sen. Hutchison is a senior member of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, which authorizes the NSF, and the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science, which sets the NSF budget.


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