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Sen. Hutchison Votes to Protect Texas Families from Higher Taxes
Bill Extends AMT Relief, Protects Over 23 Million Taxpayers from Tax Increase

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ senior U.S. Senator, Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), today voted in favor of H.R. 3996, to extend a fix to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), saving many middle class families thousands of dollars. The bill passed the Senate tonight and now goes to the House for consideration.

Following the vote, Sen. Hutchison released the following statement:

“Today, we protected over 23 million middle class American families from paying additional taxes. Failure to index the AMT for inflation now threatens to affect millions of households each year. This tax, which applied to only 369,000 taxpayers in 1994, would have impacted 20 million taxpayers today. Hundreds of thousands of Texas households would have been affected.”


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