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Sen. Hutchison Disappointed by House Passage of ‘Counterproductive’ Energy Bill
Costly and Impractical Provisions Would Raise Taxes, Impact Consumers

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), today expressed disappointment in the House passage (235 – 181) of an energy bill that will raise taxes by $21 billion, increase energy prices, and do little to meet our long term energy needs.

Sen. Hutchison released the following statement in response:

“Congress has a responsibility to put forward an energy policy that will increase domestic supply and stabilize energy prices. What the House passed today is counterproductive. It will not only fail to meet our short term and long term energy needs, but also reduce supply and result in higher costs passed down to consumers.

“The bill would also impose a Renewable Portfolio Standard, which would narrowly limit our credited renewable sources to wind and solar power. Many states simply don’t have the wind to meet these requirements. I’ve long advocated a practical and fair approach, which should be expanded to include other alternatives like nuclear, hydro, and geothermal. It is regrettable that the House-passed bill does not look to other sources of clean energy as viable options. Rather it adopts a one size fits all policy which will penalize many states and all consumers.

“This legislation would hurt consumers, and would undermine critical efforts to reduce our nation’s dependence on foreign oil.

“Today, the administration outlined their concern over the absence of safety valves with the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). I’ve been working very hard to incorporate adequate safety valves in the RFS. Unfortunately, the bill that passed the House does not contain this critical component, does not embrace market innovation, and picks winners and losers.

“My goal is to provide sound energy policy. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the House and the Senate on this critical issue.”


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