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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 26, 2007
CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison: “The Senate will Miss Trent Lott”
Senators Hutchison and Lott have served Together in the Senate Since 1993

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R–TX) today released the following statement on the announced resignation of Sen. Trent Lott (R–MS):

“The Senate will miss Trent Lott. Since 1973 he has served this country and proudly represented his home state of Mississippi, winning election to the House eight times and the Senate four times. His public career has been remarkable. He is the first person to be Republican Whip in both houses of Congress and served as Senate Majority Leader for almost six years.

“Born in Grenada, Mississippi, the son of a shipyard worker and a school teacher, Trent Lott has lived the American dream and proven that in this country anything is possible.

“I know how deeply Hurricane Katrina affected Sen. Lott, and his unending commitment to rebuild Mississippi has been witnessed by all in the Senate.

“To me, he was a trusted confidant, a wise counselor, a reliable colleague, a valuable mentor, and a personal friend. He will always remain my friend.

“I wish Trent, Patricia, Chet, and Tyler all the best in the future.”


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