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CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison Fights to Deliver Immediate Funding for Veterans and Military Personnel
In House-Senate Conference, Hutchison Motion to Enable Quick Passage of MilCon-VA Fails by one Vote

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Ranking Member of the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs (MilCon-VA) Appropriations Subcommittee, today offered a motion to strike the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 MilCon-VA Appropriations bill from the FY 2008 Labor, Health, and Human Services (Labor-H) Appropriations bill. Sen. Hutchison’s motion failed 9-8 in a straight party line vote among Senate conferees.

President Bush has stated publicly he will sign the FY 2008 MilCon-VA Appropriations bill but veto the FY 2008 Labor-H Appropriations bill due to its price tag. Congressional Democrats have decided to combine two unrelated Appropriations bills, thus jeopardizing critical funding for Veterans and military personnel.

“I am disappointed that we are now jeopardizing critical funding for active duty military personnel and Veterans care,” said Sen. Hutchison. “Combining these two bills is unwise and risky. In the conference today I offered a solution. Tying these two unrelated bills only hurts our Veterans and active duty military personnel.”


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