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CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison Announces Austin-Based Community Service Group Receives Over $500,000 Grant

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) today announced that the Casa Verde Builders Program of Austin-based American YouthWorks received a $509,937 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Youthbuild program.

“The Casa Verde Builders Program is giving Austin’s youth a remarkable opportunity to get an education as they give back to their community,” Sen. Hutchison said. “I am proud that Casa Verde Builders is receiving this support.”

According to DOL, Youthbuild provides job training and educational opportunities for at-risk youth. Students ages 16-24 receive education and job training while constructing or repairing housing for low-income families in their own neighborhoods. Participants will split their time between the construction site and the classroom, where they earn their GED or high school diploma, learn to be community leaders and prepare for college and other postsecondary training opportunities.

According to American YouthWorks, the Casa Verde Builders Program links participants to Austin Community College and area technical schools. It also assists participants in the college enrollment process through tours, career exploration and job shadowing opportunities. Casa Verde Builders has also been a leader in “green building,” construction designed to make buildings more energy-efficient.


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