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Sen. Hutchison Congratulates Texas’ Newest Institute of Medicine Members
Prestigious Organization Recognizes America’s Top Researchers

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) today congratulated six Texans on their election to the national Institute of Medicine (IOM), a prestigious organization of America’s top researchers in the medical sciences. The institute’s highly selective nomination process emphasizes professional achievement and commitment to service.

“I am proud to help recognize these outstanding researchers for achieving this high honor,” Sen. Hutchison said. “Their accomplishments highlight the excellence of medical research in Texas and the vital work being done in our state.”

The IOM announced the election of the following six new members from Texas today:

• Dr. Nancy Dickey, M.D. is president of the Texas A&M University Health Science Center and vice chancellor for health affairs for the Texas A&M University System. Her research focus is family medicine.

• Dr. Ellen Gritz, Ph.D. is chairman of the Department of Behavioral Science and Olla S. Stribling Distinguished Chair for Cancer Research at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Her research focus is cancer prevention and control.

• Dr. Cynthia Mulrow, M.D., M.Sc. is a professor of medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and the director of the San Antonio VA Cochrane Center. Her research focus is preventive medicine and clinical methodology.

• Dr. Luis Parada, Ph.D. is the chairman of the Department of Developmental Biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His research focus is developmental biology.

• Dr. Amelie Ramirez, Dr. P.H. is a professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatics and director of the Institute for Health Promotion Research at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Her research focus is the prevention of cancer and other chronic diseases, particularly in Hispanic/Latino communities.

• Dr. Thomas Sudhof, M.D. is a professor of molecular genetics and is the director of the Center for Basic Neuroscience at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His research focus is neuroscience.

By virtue of their induction into the IOM, these outstanding researchers also become members of the Texas Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science (TAMEST). Sen. Hutchison helped established TAMEST in 2000 to recognize Texas’ top achievers in these fields, support scientific research and encourage collaboration. TAMEST consists of the state’s 10 Nobel Laureates and more than 200 members of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences.


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