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Sen. Hutchison Salutes Sen. Domenici’s Decades of Service to His State and Country

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, today congratulated Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) on his decades of service to the state of New Mexico and the country after he announced his intention to retire from the Senate at the end of the 110th Congress.

“Pete Domenici is one of the finest examples of a public servant I have ever known,” Sen. Hutchison said. “He was first elected to city government in Albuquerque, and then became New Mexico’s longest serving Senator after being elected a remarkable six times. Pete was a guardian of the American taxpayer’s dollars as chairman of the Budget Committee, and drafted the first comprehensive national energy policy in decades as chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. His leadership and service will be missed.”


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