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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2007
CONTACT: Geoff Embler or Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison Hosts Texas Border Patrol Chiefs
All Five Sector Chiefs from Texas Attend Meeting in Sen. Hutchison’s DC Office

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R–TX) today hosted a group of U.S. Border Patrol officials in her office to discuss the security of our nation’s borders.

Sen. Hutchison met with Deputy Border Patrol Chief Ronald S. Colburn, El Paso Sector Chief Victor M. Manjarrez, Jr., Marfa Sector Chief John Mietana, Jr., Del Rio Sector Chief Randy Hill, Laredo Sector Chief Carlos Carrillo, and Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Ronald D. Vitiello. Also present were San Diego Sector Chief Michael Fisher and El Centro Sector Chief Roy Villareal from California.

All five Texas Border Patrol Sectors were represented at the meeting.

Sen. Hutchison has supported efforts to increase funding for personnel, technology, and equipment to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Senate recently passed H.R. 2638, the DHS Appropriations bill, which provides additional resources to DHS and includes her amendment, #2466, providing DHS the flexibility they need to ensure that local border patrol sector chiefs and community leaders are working together on border issues.

09.19.07 Sen. Hutchison Hosts Texas Border Patrol Chiefs--Seated clockwise from the top are Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, El Paso Sector Chief Victor M. Manjarrez, Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Ron Vitiello, Laredo Sector Chief Carlos Carrillo, Marfa Sector Chief John Mietana, Jr., El Centro Sector Chief Roy Villareal, San Diego Sector Chief Michael Fisher, and Deputy Border Patrol Chief Ronald S. Colburn. Not pictured but seated is Del Rio Sector Chief Randy Hill.


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