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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 5, 2007
CONTACT: Geoff Embler or Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison Files Legislation to Prohibit Tolling of Existing Federal Highways

WASHINGTON -- Today U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R–TX) filed S. 2019, legislation to prohibit the tolling of existing federal highways across the country.

“My bill will protect drivers from paying tolls on roads that were already paid for by taxpayers,” Sen. Hutchison said.

The intent of Sen. Hutchison’s legislation is to “prohibit the imposition and collection of tolls on certain highways constructed using federal funds,” by blocking the U.S. Secretary of Transportation from approving tolls on existing federally-funded highways. Under current law, states can apply to the U.S. Department of Transportation to place tolls on existing federal highways.

Last week Sen. Hutchison said she would “vigorously oppose” any effort by TxDOT to toll existing interstate highways through the use of “buy backs.”

Earlier this year the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) declared they will lobby Congress to allow for the “buy back” of existing federal highways in Texas for the purpose of tolling. The legislation specifically disallows states to place tolls on any federal highways they “buy back” from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

“I will work with members of the Texas Congressional delegation and the state legislature to ensure that Texans are never asked to pay a toll of an existing interstate highway,” Sen. Hutchison said.

In February TxDOT released their legislative agenda in a report called “Forward Momentum,” which seeks changes in federal law that would allow such buybacks for the purpose of tolling interstate highways, pending approval by local governments.

This legislation is similar to a previous effort by Sen. Hutchison to block the use of tolls on existing interstate highways as part of the 2005 Highway Bill. The amendment passed the Senate but was stripped in conference by the House of Representatives.

Sen. Hutchison is a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, which sets the budget of DOT.


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