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Sen. Hutchison Announces $2.2 Million in Research Grants for UT-Austin
Believes Toll Plan is Double Taxation which she Cannot Support

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) today announced that five research grants totaling $2,234,177 have been awarded to the University of Texas at Austin by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

“The University of Texas is a proven leader in scientific research,” Sen. Hutchison said. “I am pleased to announce this funding to aid in their groundbreaking efforts.”

The grants will support the following projects:

· $1,111,443 for a project entitled "NIRT: Functionalization of alloy metal nanoparticles for enhanced transport and catalysis in membranes," is under the direction of Dr. Benny Freeman, the Kenneth A. Kobe Professor in Chemical Engineering

· $410,204 for a project entitled “CAREER: A Synergistic CAD Framework for Nanometer Design and Process Integration,” under the direction of Dr. David Pan of the Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty

· $299,999 for a project entitled “Multiscale Computations of Stiff Oscillatory Ordinary Differential Equations,” under the direction of Dr. Bjorn Engquist of the Mathematics Faculty

· $272,764 for a project entitled “Quality Assessment of Natural Videos,” under the direction of Dr. Alan Bovik, the Keys and Joan Curry/Cullen Trust Endowed Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

· $139,767 for a project entitled “Mechanics and Control for Automated Field Tube Thoracostamy,” under the direction of Raul Longoria


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