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Sen. Hutchison Announces Texas Ports Eligible for Millions in Port Security Funding

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior Senator, today announced that ports in the Houston-Galveston and Port Arthur-Beaumont regions are eligible for $14.6 million in port security grants from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

“This funding will help secure Texas’ ports, which are critical to our economy,” Sen. Hutchison said. “Threats to the high volume of petro-chemicals that flow through these ports also put millions of lives at risks, and that makes it all the more important that we provide the ports with the resources needed to enhance security.”

According to DHS, Houston-Galveston and Port Arthur-Beaumont were two of eight port regions that qualified for the highest risk status, Tier I, in Fiscal Year 2007. Tier I regions qualify for the largest portion of the funding available in the PSGP.

$66.1 million in PSGP is provided for Tier I ports, and the $14.6 reserved for Texas ports represents nearly one-quarter of that amount.

The grant funds can be used to improve security through risk management and mitigation and to develop continuity of operations plans to be prepared in the event of a security threat.


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