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Sen. Hutchison to Complete West Texas Bus Tour
Will Reach the End of Three Day, 1,000 Mile Bus Tour to Meet with West Texans

SAN ANGELO, TX -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R–TX) today will complete a three day, 1,000 mile bus tour to listen to the concerns of West Texas with stops in San Angelo, Abilene, Eastland and Mineral Wells. Sen. Hutchison will hold a series of town hall meetings with constituents and local elected officials at each stop.

“This tour has been a wonderful opportunity to meet with Texans face-to-face about the issues that matter,” Sen. Hutchison said. “I’ve enjoyed every mile of this journey, and I thank each community I’ve visited along the way for the warm welcomes I received.”

Day Three of the tour will begin with a stop and town hall meeting at the River Terrace Club in San Angelo. Sen. Hutchison will next travel to Abilene to meet with constituents at the Willow Creek Chapel. Following that, she will hold a town hall meeting at the Connellee Hotel and Civic Center in Eastland. The final stop on the three day, 1,000 mile tour of West Texas will be at Clark Gardens in Mineral Wells.


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