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Sen. Hutchison Continues West Texas Bus Tour with Wind Energy Update
More Stops on Three Day, 1,000 Mile Bus Tour to Meet with West Texans

PLAINVIEW -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R–TX) today continued her three day, 1,000 mile bus tour to listen to the concerns of West Texans with stops in Plainview, Lubbock, Lamesa, Big Spring and Midland. Sen. Hutchison will hold a series of town hall meetings with constituents and local elected officials at each stop.

“Hearing from Texans directly about important issues like energy and agriculture helps me better represent them in the U.S. Senate,” Sen. Hutchison said. “I look forward to speaking with them as my tour of West Texas continues.”

Day Two of the tour will begin with a stop and town hall meeting at the Museum of Llano Estacado in Plainview. Sen. Hutchison’s next event will be held at the Museum of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, where she will discuss her support for wind energy initiatives at “Wind Energy 101,” an event co-sponsored by the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce and Texas Tech University. She will hold another town hall meeting at the Forest Park Community Center in Lamesa. Sen. Hutchison will also meet with constituents at the Dora Roberts Civic Center in Big Spring. She will wrap-up this leg of the tour with a town hall meeting at Susie’s South Forty Confections in Midland.

Sen. Hutchison will begin the final part of her bus tour on Friday in San Angelo.


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