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Sen. Hutchison Begins West Texas Bus Tour
Embarks on Three Day, 1,000 Mile Bus Tour to Meet with West Texans

BORGER -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R–TX) today will begin a three day, 1,000 mile bus tour to listen to the concerns of West Texas with stops in Borger, Dumas and Canyon. Sen. Hutchison will hold a series of town hall meetings with constituents and local elected officials at each stop.

“I am excited to get out on the road and meet with Texans about the issues that touch their lives,” Sen. Hutchison said. “It is a joy to travel our state and meet the people that make it great.”

The tour will begin with a stop and town hall meeting at Borger City Hall. Sen. Hutchison next go to the Window on the Plains Museum in Dumas. She will wrap-up this leg of the tour by meeting constituents at the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum in Canyon. While in Canyon, Sen. Hutchison will also attend a performance of the musical drama “TEXAS.”

Sen. Hutchison will begin the next part of her bus tour on Thursday in Plainview.


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