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Sen. Hutchison Dedicates New Collin County Courthouse
New 300,000 Square Foot, $54 Million Facility Opens Doors

McKINNEY -- Texas' senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R–TX) today joined local officials to dedicate the new $54 million Collin County Courthouse.

"The building of this new and larger courthouse is testament to the explosive growth of Collin County, and its well-deserved reputation as a great place to live," said Sen. Hutchison. "This is a state-of-the art, modern facility that the entire community can be proud of."

Collin County is one of the fastest growing counties in the country, having grown almost 2,000% since 1960, and now has 725,000 residents.

"As the population of this area continues to increase, people inevitably need more infrastructure – more roads, highways, schools, and utilities – and of course, in this case, a new courthouse," said Sen. Hutchison.

Among those in attendance for the dedication were State Sen. Florence Shapiro, State Rep. Brian McCall and Collin County Commissioner Phyllis Cole.

The Collin County Courthouse will only house state district courts until subsequent phases are funded and opened.

Four years ago, the voters approved the new courthouse's construction through a bond election, and it was built at a cost of $54 million. Designed to expand along with the population, it will house a dozen district courts, plus the county courts at law.

Sen. Hutchison is a member of the Senate Republican Leadership as Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee and is a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee.


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