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CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison Delivers Remarks at Liberty-Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce Reception
Continues Three Day, 600 Mile Bus Tour with Gulf Coast Texans

LIBERTY, TX -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today delivered remarks to business and community leaders at the Liberty-Dayton area Chamber of Commerce reception at the Price Daniel House on the grounds of the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center in Liberty. Nearly 75 people attended the event, including Congressman Ted Poe, Liberty Mayor Carl Pickett, Liberty County Judge Phil Fitzgerald and State Representative John Otto.

“I was pleased to meet with Texans from Liberty County today to update them on what I’ve been doing in Washington to address the issues that are important to them,” said Sen. Hutchison. “As I travel to Liberty and other Texas towns this month, I am most interested in hearing directly from Texans so I may better represent them in the Senate.”

The Price Daniel House, maintained and funded by the Atascosito Historical Society, is located on the grounds of the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center, a part of the Archives and Information Services Division of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The house preserves and displays the library, archives, furniture, and mementos that document the Daniels' lives and years of public service.

Today is the final day of Sen. Hutchison’s three day, 600 mile bus tour with 16 stops throughout South Texas and the Gulf Coast. Sen. Hutchison launched the tour on Monday in Harlingen and will bring the trip to a close with an event at the San Jacinto Memorial in La Porte this evening.

Sen. Hutchison is a member of the Senate Republican Leadership as Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, is a member of the Senate Appropriations


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