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Sen. Hutchison Honored with “Best in Congress” Award for Supporting Families in Legislation and Office Policies
Working Mother Media and Corporate Voices for Working Families Honor Sen. Hutchison

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior Senator, has been named one of the “Best in Congress” by Working Mother Media and Corporate Voices for Working Families. The award spotlights Sen. Hutchison’s family-friendly work policies for her staff, as well her support for working families through legislation.

“As the mother of two young children, I know what a difference a flexible and supportive workplace can make for families. Many of my own staff members are working mothers and fathers, and our office is committed to helping them balance the demands of work and family,” said Sen. Hutchison.

“Some of the most important issues facing our country today are family issues. Energy policy affects families who are working hard to keep gas in their vehicles and to pay the electricity bill. The state of our economy impacts family budgets and spending decisions,” Sen. Hutchison said. “I am committed to working in the Senate to put forward good legislation that helps families in Texas and across the nation.”

Recipients of the “Best in Congress” award were selected by a nonpartisan panel of judges, based on voting record, sponsored or co-sponsored legislation, and efforts to promote legislation that supports working families. Office policies and practices that support working families and flexible workplace options were also considered in the selection process.

“Not only did we judge Sen. Hutchison on her voting records for supporting working families, we also examined the benefits that her own employees receive, like paid leave and flextime,” said Carol Evans, CEO, Working Mother Media.

“Sen. Hutchison has shown what can be accomplished through legislation and a personal commitment to policies that benefit working families,” Donna Klein, president and founder of Corporate Voices for Working Families, said. “As our nation wrestles with a host of economic and other issues involving working families, Sen. Hutchison deserves to be congratulated and recognized nationally for her leadership and support.”

A profile of Sen. Hutchison is featured in the August/September 2008 issue of Working Mother magazine and at


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