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Sen. Hutchison Joins Local Officials to Present New Home to Wounded Iraq War Veteran in Houston
Wounded Hero Program Provides New Home to Houstonian Vet Paul and Ashley Gardner

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R–TX) joined local officials in Missouri City today to present the key to a new home to wounded Iraq War veteran Marine Corporal Paul Gardner and his wife Ashley.

Cpl. Gardner is an Iraq War veteran and received the first newly built home as part of the Wounded Hero Home Program, a joint effort between the City of Houston, 57 Houston-area Rotary Clubs, The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, and private donors to build 15 homes in the Houston area for the most severely wounded veterans injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Corporal Gardner is a true American hero and an inspiration to all of us,” said Sen. Hutchison. “The Wounded Hero Home Project will provide 15 Houston veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with new homes in great neighborhoods where these families will have support and encouragement on a daily basis from people who care.”

The 57 Houston area Rotary Clubs will help mentor these heroes for a new career, and integrate them back into society. Perry Homes is specifically tailoring the homes to meet the needs of the wounded veterans and their families, with an expected value between $200,000 and $250,000.

“Looking ahead, we must expand the reach of the Department of Veterans Affairs to meet the needs of Texas’ growing population of veterans, and address the changing needs of our youngest veterans from the War on Terror,” said Sen. Hutchison.

Sen. Hutchison is a member of the Senate Republican Leadership as Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee and is the Ranking Member of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee.


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