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Sen. Hutchison Announces New $1.35 Million Army Mail Facility to be Built in Corpus Christi
Defense Construction Project Formally Approved by DOD

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Ranking Member of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, today announced that the U.S. Army will build a new $1.35 million military mail facility in Corpus Christi.

“As Ranking Member of the subcommittee that funds these projects, I am pleased that the Corpus Christi Army Depot will receive a brand new building to improve operations and efficiency,” said Sen. Hutchison.

The Corpus Christi Mail Depot will receive a new mail facility, including a mail room, receiving area, loading dock, storage room, anti-terrorism / force protection requirements, and administrative areas. Supporting facilities include site and building utilities, site work, improvements and landscaping.

Currently, mail tasks are performed in “several over-crowded, inadequate temporary buildings,” according to the Army. Additionally, loading docks are at separate facilities and mail room employees must work outdoors. This new facility will replace the demolished original mail facility.


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