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Sen. Hutchison Releases a Statement on Dr. Michael DeBakey

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’s senior Senator, released the following statement on the passing of Dr. Michael DeBakey:

“I am deeply saddened by the passing of my friend, Dr. Michael DeBakey.

“A world-famous heart surgeon, Dr. DeBakey revolutionized medicine and saved thousands of lives, making bypass surgery common in this country through his invention of the roller pump in 1932. His pioneer spirit led him to continue medical inventions throughout his long and productive life. He developed artificial hearts and heart pumps and helped create more than 70 surgical instruments.

“His leadership and commitment at the Baylor College of Medicine helped make it one of the nation's finest medical institutions.

“In recognition of his contributions to medicine and his extraordinary commitment to our military and Veterans after his service in World War II, I sponsored the bill to reward the Congressional Gold Medal to Dr. DeBakey. In April of this year the medal was presented at the U.S. Capitol. In this ceremony, his invention of the MASH unit, that put emergency medical facilities on the battlefield, was highlighted. During his time in Europe during the war, he saw men dying who he thought could be saved. He instigated the MASH unit and from the Korean War forward thousands of soldiers have lived, who might otherwise have died before treatment could be given.

“Dr. DeBakey is a legendary figure in medicine and a mentor to hundreds of practicing doctors and medical students. The full weight of his contributions may not be known for many years, but everyone who knew him gravitated to his kindness, warmth, and spirit. He was still innovating in medicine until his last breath.

“My prayers are with the entire DeBakey family.”


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