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Sen. Hutchison on the Passing of Lady Bird Johnson

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) released a statement today on the passing of Lady Bird Johnson:

“Lady Bird Johnson was one of the most beloved first ladies in our nation’s history, exemplifying class, dignity, and kindness throughout her entire life. She represented the best of Texas and she set a shining example of graciousness throughout her public life.

“Lady Bird has been a personal friend of mine for a long time, since I attended the University of Texas with her daughter Lynda. Over the years I have worked to preserve the LBJ office in the Jake Pickle building in Austin and to add the Lady Bird Johnson Plaza to the LBJ Library. The groundbreaking was on October 13, 2006 in Austin and we were so pleased that she was able to attend and see the plans.

“I cherished all of the time I spent with her and my thoughts and prayers are with the entire Johnson family.”


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