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CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Sen. Hutchison on the Passing of Collin County Commissioner Jack Hatchell

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today released the following statement on the passing of Collin County Commissioner Jack Hatchell:

"I was saddened by the news that my friend Jack Hatchell has passed away. Collin County has lost an outstanding leader. I have known Jack for 30 years and he was a trusted friend.

"Jack and I worked together on a range of issues and I always knew that I could rely on him for the right advice. Because of Jack’s three decades of public service, this community is stronger, richer, and a better place to raise a family. We will never forget Jack, and we will always treasure his legacy. At this difficult time, my thoughts and prayers are with Pat, Amy, and Beth."


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