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Senate Passes Key Veterans Provisions in Supplemental
Includes Hutchison’s VA Debt Forgiveness Bill, Transferability Legislation

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’s senior Senator, released the following statement after voting in favor of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill:

“Today the Senate passed legislation that will fund military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan through the end of the year. This legislation was imperfect. I am disappointed that my amendment to include $100 million for domestic law enforcement along the border was removed. The border communities in my state of Texas are being strained as violence between Mexico’s warring drug cartels spills into the U.S. I will continue working to provide U.S. law enforcement with increased funding in the months ahead.

“This legislation included two key provisions that I authored to benefit our nation’s veterans. I introduced the legislation to allow veterans to transfer their earned G.I. Bill educational benefits to their spouses and children. My other bill allows veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan will be relieved of debt owed to the Department of Veterans Affairs.”


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