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Sen. Hutchison Releases a Statement on Increasing Domestic Energy
Long-Supported OCS, ANWR, Shale Oil Production and Refinery Incentives

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, today issued a statement regarding President Bush’s proposals for increased domestic production of oil:

“Today President Bush called on Congress to provide relief for American families and businesses that are suffering from skyrocketing gas prices. I have long supported increasing access to environmentally-safe drilling in a limited section of ANWR, recovering huge oil shale deposits in the Western U.S., and drilling off our coastline if supported by the individual states.

“I was pleased that President Bush noted the lack of refinery capacity and I encourage the Treasury Department to finally approve the tax incentives for refinery expansion and new construction that Congress passed in 2005.

“We can and we must increase the domestic supply of oil immediately. In doing so we will send a powerful message to the world markets that America is serious about energy independence and in the process we will create thousands of new jobs."


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