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Sen. Hutchison Issues Statement on Gas Prices, Energy Bill

“Conservation and Efficiency Alone will Not Relieve” Higher Gas Prices

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, released the following statement today regarding the increase in gasoline prices and the current energy bill being debated on the Senate floor:

“This morning Americans across the country are paying near-record gas prices, well above $3 per gallon. Many Americans are worried they will not be able to afford summer vacations with their families.

“Unfortunately the energy bill before the Senate refuses to offer real solutions to higher gas prices.

“In the short term, we need to increase supply and expand refinery capacity, and the current energy bill does neither. Even a common-sense amendment to expand existing refinery capacity failed yesterday in the Senate.

“Conservation alone will not relieve this problem. We need to provide short term supply solutions to ease gas prices while we encourage renewable technologies to ramp up and provide alternatives to petroleum over the long run.

“The current energy bill is not up to the challenge we face with our domestic energy situation. And it will surely do nothing to help Americans from paying more than they can afford at the gas pump.”


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