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Sen. Hutchison Votes to Keep Debate Open on Immigration Bill

More Time Needed for Debate and Amendments

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, released the following statement today after she voted to keep debate open on S. 1348, the immigration reform bill:

“This bill is not yet ready. It never went through committee, and when you write a bill on the floor it takes more time. I want to have the opportunity to introduce an amendment that would take the amnesty out of this bill. I could never vote for cloture until we have the opportunity to address the amnesty issue.

“I want a good bill that secures the border and creates a temporary worker program without amnesty. I hope we can work on this issue in a positive, productive way and do what is right for our country today, tomorrow, and in the long-term.”


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