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Sen. Hutchison Announces Funding for Military Construction, Ft. Bliss Projects
Bill funds $3.1 billion BRAC shortfall, $493 million for Fort Bliss improvements

WASHINGTON -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Ranking Member of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, today announced that Congress has approved the remaining $3.1 billion Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) funding as part of the emergency supplemental bill. The vote means that $455 million included for Fort Bliss will now be fully funded as well as an additional $38 million in ‘Grow the Force’ funds.

Sen. Hutchison fought to include the funding in the Continuing Resolution (CR) that passed in February 2007. However, it was cut from that bill. Her continued determination ensured that the BRAC funds were included in the supplemental bill passed tonight.

“This is great news because our troops and their families are finally getting the funding they need,” Sen. Hutchison said. “This bill represents an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars into military construction projects in El Paso and throughout Texas.”

Total funding includes $741 million Sen. Hutchison helped secure for Texas Base improvements, including $455 million for Fort Bliss infrastructure improvements. In addition to the BRAC funding, the supplemental bill also includes $38 million for Fort Bliss facilities as part of the Army’s ‘Grow the Force’ initiative.


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