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Sen. Hutchison Secures Marlin VA Land Transfer

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Ranking Member on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations subcommittee, today announced that Congress passed the emergency supplemental bill which contains a provision she secured to transfer the Marlin Veterans Affairs facility to the State of Texas for local use. The bill will now go to the president to be signed into law.

“This transfer is important to the people of Marlin,” Sen. Hutchison said. “It will save the taxpayers’ money and allow Texas and the city of Marlin to use these facilities as they see fit.”

The vacant Marlin VA hospital has been closed since 2005 and costs the federal government $265,000 each year to maintain. Taxpayers ultimately pay this price. The transfer secured by Senator Hutchison will make the buildings and grounds available to the city of Marlin and relieve a burden on the federal budget.


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