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Sen. Hutchison Ensures Local Input for Border Fence
Hutchison Amendment to Require Local Input Passes Senate by Unanimous Vote

WASHINGTON -- Texas’ Senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) today successfully passed an amendment to S. 1348, the immigration reform bill, that will require the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to take into consideration the concerns raised by states, local governments, and property owners in places where fencing would be constructed.

The amendment passed the Senate by a unanimous vote. The Hutchison-Bingaman amendment was co-sponsored by Senators Cornyn, Kyl, McCain, Domenici, and Feinstein.

“We are requiring DHS to work with local communities to find a workable plan that protects local commerce and respects the proud heritage of border communities,” said Senator Hutchison.

“It is critical that local officials along the border continue to have input as we work to secure the border, ensure legitimate trade and travel and address the many issues facing the region,” Senator John Cornyn said. “While I recognize that Secretary Chertoff and others have met on several occasions with border officials, this important amendment makes clear that this consultation must, and will, continue.”

The amendment also grants DHS the authorization to decide where to install fencing based upon their expertise rather than mandates by Congress.


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