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Sen. Hutchison Hosts Conference Call with Texas Livestock Groups

WASHINGTON -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today held a conference call with Texas livestock, poultry, dairy and pork producer organizations to discuss issues of concern to these groups, including the rising cost of feed stocks.

“I am proud to be an advocate for our state’s vital agricultural industry,” Sen. Hutchison said. “Texas’ family farms and agricultural enterprises face challenges that we must address in Congress. In particular, we must not overlook the unintended impacts that federal policies can have on this industry. I look forward to working with the Texas livestock sector to ensure that Congress hears their concerns.”

Participating in the call were representatives of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Texas Cattle Feeders Association, Texas Pork Producers Association, Texas Poultry Federation and Affiliates, Texas Association of Dairymen and the Independent Cattlemen Association of Texas.


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