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CONTACT: Matt Mackowiak

Senate Passes Emergency Supplemental Bill with $100 Million for Border Law Enforcement
Includes Hutchison Amendment to Boost Funding for Border Sheriffs and Law Enforcement

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today announced Senate passage of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill, which she amended successfully to include $100 million in federal funding for domestic law enforcement along the border.

The Bush administration has asked that Congress fund the $560 million Merida Initiative, a multi-year proposal to provide Mexican law enforcement with American equipment and training (not direct cash) to improve counter narcotics efforts. Sen. Hutchison has said she would only support the Merida initiative if there was also a major increase in funding for domestic law enforcement on the border, including police and sheriffs.

“I am pleased that the Senate accepted my amendment to increase funding for local law enforcement by $100 million,” said Sen. Hutchison. “The Merida initiative will help Mexico combat the challenges of narco-trafficking, but it does not address the needs of U.S. border sheriffs and police officers who are waging the same battle every day.”

Specifically, the $100 million will be made available to local law enforcement along the border and local law enforcement in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas to combat narcotic activity stemming from the Southern border. Of this amount, $10 million will be directed to fully fund Project Gunrunner, an initiative to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico and thereby deprive the cartels of weapons.

“The narco-terrorists in Mexico have grown increasingly violent and sophisticated,” said Sen. Hutchison. “Assaults are occurring with more intensity and frequency on both sides of the border. We must arm our local law enforcement officers to combat these crimes and protect themselves and our citizens.”

Last Thursday U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) included $100 million in federal funding for domestic law enforcement along the border at a markup of the Supplemental in the Senate Appropriations Committee. Sen. Hutchison’s amendment was accepted after a voice vote.


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