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Sen. Hutchison Announces Bell Will Continue ARH Development
Next generation helicopter program will bring $5 billion contract and over 700 jobs to Fort Worth

FORT WORTH -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today announced that the U.S. Army will continue its contract with Bell Helicopter of Fort Worth to develop an armed reconnaissance helicopter, the ARH-70.

“I am pleased that Bell and the Army have reached an agreement to meet the needs of our modern military and bring an over $5 billion contract and more than 700 jobs to Fort Worth,” Sen. Hutchison said. “This announcement also means that taxpayers will be spared the expense of starting the ARH from square one and wasting the money already invested. Timely development and production of this helicopter is crucial to support our troops in the air and on the ground.”

Bell and U.S. Army officials have been in contract negotiations to address concerns about ARH-70 production delays and cost overruns.


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